*10 ways to be cooler * Step One - Don't be a fucking dick. This might sound like a simple task to most people, but believe me and probably everyone - it't not. If you are a decent human being and you are somewhat of an asshole - stop being such an asshole and amazingly your cool status will immediately go up. If you're wondering what constitutes as being a douche, think of taking the closest parking spot at Target when someone is waiting for it patiently with their blinker on. Or maybe not Snap Chatting other peoples boyfriend pictures of your tits... or any body part for that matter. Or being a dick to your waiter or waitress, even the negative passive aggressive comment you dropped on your co-worker is an assholey move - next time take your mother's advice, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Step Two - Be social - If you are a reclusive soul and never want to see the light of day, chances are, you aren't very co...