Step One: Pick your location - Brunchin' is so god damn hip RN and for good reason. Who doesn't love an excuse to eat your face off and start drinking first thing in the morning? *Please kindly STFU if you are the kind of person who doesn't like brunch* The first step is figuring out the place that you will be gracing with your presence for brunch. Here are some guidelines when picking location: must have great food, must have alcoholic options, and must accommodate large groups of basic ass people. Bonus: if they have a succulent wall, a mural with angel wings, or a brick wall. If the restaurant can do all of this, viola! You have picked out your location for your magical morning. Step Two: Pick your crew - Let's be honest, you're going to have ~at least~ one friend get wasted at brunch, so why not all get blackout drunk before noon? If you are going forward with the plan to get hammered, pick out the best crew to do so with. Here's who needs ...