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Showing posts from June, 2018

10 steps to becoming a wine drinker 🍷

Step One - Started from the bottom - In order to drink wine like you’re from Napa County(or Sonoma County the less county Napa) you need to start somewhere & that somewhere is with a bottle of white Zinfandel in the brand of Sutter Home, Arbor Mist, or Barefoot. Get yourself a bottle of this shit, waste that $4.00 and get ready for the worst hangover of your life. You can drink all da water in the world but the hangover from sugary wine will always win. Step One to starting your wine journey. Step Two - Two buck chuck - Now that you understand what wine isn’t supposed to taste like, you can move onto better things. For example, two buck chuck! This wine can be found at Trader Joe’s or really any store for that matter. Two buck chuck wine is wine that is a step up from white zinfandel but unfortunately will still give you a terrible fucking hangover. It comes in red and white wine so you really can start getting your wine drinking personality developed aka “I only drink red wi...

10 Reasons you don't need NO man!

One: 2018 - Let's be real, it isn't the 1800's, it's 2018! Women are not objects meant to take care of uh-hem, children and men (same thing??) Women's sole purpose in life isn't to raise children, cook, clean, and pleasure their husbands and thank god for that - but hey, if you want that to be your sole purpose, at least you have it as a choice. If i'm being honest, there is still a long way to go with how women are being treated, but I am happy for how far it has gotten today.  Like I said, it's 2018 and women don't need no damn man. Pussy fucking power. Two: Boss ass bitch - You don't need no man to be a boss ass bitch! The most successful people in my life are definitely not men but women! There are so many strong, powerful, independent women who are slaying in our world today - it's truly amazing. I can tell you more women who are killing the game than men - not to say there aren't men who kill the game too, there are, but ri...